Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What to Expect From Disney's Magical Express

One of the questions I always get in the travel planning process, especially for first-time-by-flight arrivals is "How does Magical Express work?"  Well, it's actually... pretty magical! 

At the airport:

Plan A: Before you leave home, take your bright yellow luggage tags and wrap one around each
checked piece. If you are only taking carry-ons,  you can still tag them but you don't have to.

When you arrive at Orlando International Airport, (MCO), follow the overhead signs for rental cars and shuttles (transportation). Come right off your plane, and don't worry about baggage claim. You'll follow the signs until you come to the escalator heading downstairs. Magical Express is to the left, see it? Come downstairs and to the left. 

PLAN B: Typically tags come directly from Magical Express to the traveler. We don't always know that you haven't received them until it's too late to order more. Sometimes tags gets lost in the mail, OR a last minute booking within two weeks of arrival doesn't leave time for tags to be mailed. No worries, there is always Plan B with Disney! Simply bring your baggage claim ticket down the stairs instead and come see the Disney folks at this nice counter. They'll take your claim ticket and give you a paper bus boarding pass instead! See, no worries!

Then, you'll step out of this line and to the left, to meet a lovely lady who will scan your badge - this is the same whether you have plan A or  B until now. They'll direct you to a queue line based on your resort, and once you load, you'll be dropped off right at the reservation desk! (And don't forget the cartoons, padded coach seats, and restroom if you need it, that are on the coach!)

Once you get to the resort, simply go to your room (if it's ready) or to the parks, to the parks, or to the pool! Your luggage is magically placed in your room about 3-4 hours later! If your room isn't ready, you'll simply leave your luggage with bell services and the resort will text you when it's ready.

ºoº ~ Karen

If you arrive before 6 am or after 11, you'll still have a ride, you just need to bring your luggage with you. 

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